BMW i3 Concept

Could this be the future for BMW? It’s exciting to see car companies foresight for the future of automotive technology, their considerations to the environment and of course the looks of future models.

The i3 concept is powered by a 170-horsepower electric motor with the ability to propel it from 0 to 60 mph in under 8 seconds, the nimble errands runner’s liquid-cooled lithium-ion battery bank is at 80% charge capacity with only an hour at the charging station. Underneath is a brand new manufacturing methodology, the LifeDrive concept. Compartmentalized in Life aspect, where a composite of aluminum and carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) makes up a strong, lightweight cell for the passengers. As for the Drive aspect, the battery bank, transmission, and drive-train are all underneath the Life cell, this layout enables  engineers to free up more space. Zero-emission and a drive range of 150 kilometers, or about 93 miles between charges,  has an ambitious goal of launch the i3 Concept in 2013.


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