Street Dreams

When I was a teenager, I lived and breathed Skateboarding. ‘Study time’ after school for me was spent skateboarding on the front driveway and every weekend. Especially Friday nights were some of the most memorable times for me meeting up with all my skater buddies in the city to explore the city terrain like a pack of rats. Sometimes we’d have a crew 30 of us take over the streets bombing hills and weaving in and out of traffic. It was the natural high it gave me and the fact it didn’t matter if you were a private school or public school kid, 9 to 5 paper pusher or living off government hand outs. We all shared a love for skateboarding and it taught us all a lot about appreciating different cultures.

I stupidly gave up skateboarding after I finished school and only continued to surf on the weekends, but after moving to Hong Kong I don’t have the luxury of beaches on my doorstep anymore so a friend has motivated me to get back into skateboarding as a form of exercise and to re-channel that love of the sport and help it inspire my creative work. I obviously no where near as good as I was before (which is so frustrating) but I’m loving it and it’s a great way to explore a new city. On the way home from this session I bumped into a few of the local boys – Francis and Paul. Who run some of HK’s top clubs and bars Fly, Volar.


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