The new, 14th issue of FANTASTIC MAN features the phenomenal fashion designer Mr. RAF SIMONS on the cover. Photographed at his home in Antwerp, RAF is seen wearing select pieces by RAF SIMONS and JIL SANDER – both brands he designs for. Other interesting men profiled in this issue include: the fabulous magician Mr. DAVID COPPERFIELD, the interior-decorator extraordinaire Mr. RICKY CLIFTON and the hailed London-based chef Mr. YOTAM OTTOLENGHI. Furthermore, FANTASTIC MAN explores new grounds in CHINA through a 37-page fashion reportage inspired by the stylistic characteristics of the men of Beijing. The remainder of the 268-page issue is full of absorbing stories, photographs of some gloriously useless PAPERWEIGHTS, style investigations, tips and tricks for the upcoming Autumn and Winter seasons, and a delightful new format in which we have conducted conversations with KIM JONES, DIRK SCHÖNBERGER and JOHNNY MARR, the guitarist of THE SMITHS. This new section is aptly titled ‘THE CONVERSATIONS’.