Prometheus: New Movie Poster

In Greek mythology, the Titan god Prometheus gave raise to mankind, first by forging out of clay. Then, he stole fire from Zeus so man can have warmth and light. Fittingly, an advanced space craft with the same name arrived at the galaxy’s fringe, in search of humankind’s origin. What Prometheus and its crew found, however, was an origin but an end to all… Many have called it the prequel to director Ridley Scott‘s sci-fi thriller Alien, though details on the new film are not readily available. What is known is that the ferocious creature will somehow be incorporated into the new plot. With Noomi Rapace, the actress in the original live action film of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Guy Pearce, Patrick Wilson, Charlize Theron, and more, Prometheus is set to debut June of 2012.


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