The Foreign Japanese Kitchen

This cookbook is a result of MoĆ© Takemura’s MA degree project at Lund University. The book shows how you can cook Japanese food using locally-available ingredients in Sweden.

Historically, people used to eat what they could get for surviving for a very long time. However, today, we have the luxury to choose. People look for pleasure and excitement in food as well as safety and reliability. The problem is that these two needs don’t always get along with each other because organic and locally-produced food is an important factor from safety and reliability perspective, but people enjoy multicultural diet supported by a lot of imported ingredients at the same time.

The project aimed to deal with this paradox, and aimed to introduce Japanese food culture in a suitable way in today’s Swedish environment, using as much locally available ingredients as possible.

After visiting farms and making many cooking experiments and food tastings, a cookbook was made as the final project outcome for introducing various traditional home-cooking style dishes.


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