How to Remove the Rust from Your Designing Skills

Finally realization has dawn on you that your designing skills are failing short of holding your clients back. To put it in simple English, clients are not impressed with your templates anymore and they are looking for something cool, trendy and sharp which is clearly not in your limit anymore. Since there is no alternative, unless witnessing exodus of clients, you need to accept the fact that your designing skills have gather some rust and you need to get rid of it at the earliest. Here we are going to share some quick fire tips that can help you though to some extents only remove the rust from your designing skills:

Do a Career Sabotage

It is quite though to do a career sabotage like taking one year break in this tough economic condition. But if you have the guts, provided you have the required amount of saving, you should take the risk to come up as stronger. It will have a refreshing effect your creativity. However, you should not waste the time partying hard, rather join some short-term courses. For say, if you are not that much confident working with HTML5, it makes perfect sense that you should join a small course to get the hang on it.

Participate in Some Conference

Definitely, this is not anything new and there are some people who just hate to participate in conference for some reasons unknown. But they are not that much bad. Though tediousness sermons will be delivered time and again, you can get valuable tips from industry experts around the world. Moreover, at least, you will have a clear insight of the latest trends ruling the web design industry.

Reward Yourself

Of course, you cannot pamper yourself with chocolate and ice creams when you are clearly not doing anything awesome. But to live up the expectation of the clients, you need to take up new challenges like learning a new CSS trick or completing the next chapter of HTML 5 and once you successfully completed the benchmarks, reward yourself with a 2 hours break or anything that you would just love to do.


There is nothing like joining a community where some of the best and the finest minded designers gather to share their experience and views. You should join Dribbble, DesignersCouch, Forrst and their likes and you will get to know the probable future of website design and be sure to share your personal opinions. However, it is not just about online community. You need to create small community with your peers and colleagues as they are the best friends you can have to learn new techniques.

Read Books

When your designing skills require serious makeover, you need to reignite your passion for reading and there are some great publications available like O’Reilly. O’Reilly has got probably the best online library of covering almost every technical subject imaginable. So you can have truly great books on Photoshop, Dreamweaver etc. And the good thing is that there are several books available there for free.

W3C Schools

This is probably the best resource you should have, if aspire to catch up with the latest designing trends. The best part of W3C School is that they always update their content and publish a full overview of content even when they are not even supported by browsers. So, now you can race ahead of time and give your designing skill a whole new dimension.

About Guest Author:
Jacob Smith is a passionate writer and a vocal support of intellectual property rights. He has written numerous articles on blogging, social media, intellectual property, tech and he has published some articles for the, a website famed for its DMCA take down services.


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